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  • giovanim7

Week 14 - Hong Kong Modelling + Networking

This week I will talk about awesome opportunities that came from networking in Hong Kong!

Financial Centre

Hong Kong has an abundance of opportunities. One of the main reasons why I decided to study abroad in Hong Kong is because it is a leading financial center. Likewise, I got to meet some of the most inspiring professionals and students I have ever met. This includes students who have created companies that raised $2 million dollars, students who became millionaires through cryptocurrencies, and professionals at the brink of selling their startup companies.

According to, Hong Kong's financial center accounts for nearly 19% of Hong Kong GDP. Their securities market has attracted plenty of international banks and security houses to build a presence within their city. Likewise, if you're looking for the opportunity to work internationally, this is a great city to visit. Other notable statistics include:

  1. Asia's #1 International fund management hub

  2. Global #1 in IPO fundraising in 7 out of last 11 years

  3. Largest international private wealth management center in Asia

With this in mind, I learned a lot talking to local real estate investors, startup CEOs, and other financial professionals.


While I was in Hong Kong I wanted to take professional pictures and start a personal modeling portfolio. I happened to meet a model in the city and she forwarded me to a freelancer who happened to be a great photographer.

All in all, studying abroad in Hong Kong opened my eyes to the ample amount of opportunities and rapid growth happening in Asia. I wish I took more time to expand my network while abroad. However, I got to meet plenty of interesting individuals and hope to inspire you to do the same!

My tips for networking

  1. The City University of Hong Kong has plenty of clubs and intramural sports teams you can join to meet local students, faculty, and professionals.

  2. Get involved in the local community!

    1. For me, this looked like attending and serving at a local church

    2. I met most of the inspiring professionals from the church

  3. Talk to everyone wherever you go!

    1. My modeling opportunity came from talking to a random person on the street (use common sense of course).

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